Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear saurabh
In the case of PD candidates, the degree of physical handicap,as well as their fitness to undergo the course of study in which admission is sought will be certified by a duly constituted Special Medical Board. Courses in Mining Engineering and Mining Machinery Engineering and related courses have additional prescribed standards of fitness. These candidates should be free from colour blindness and the standard of visual acuity with or without glasses should be as per DGMS Circular 14 of 1972 (the distant vision of eye with or without glasses should be not less than 6/6 for better eye and 6/9 for worse eye). The candidates with one-eyed vision are not eligible for these courses. In addition, candidates seeking admission in Petroleum Engineering related Courses and M Sc Tech Applied Geology should be free from color blindness.Candidates must make sure that they meet these standards if they opt for these courses. Responsibility for ensuring this is entirely the candidate’s. In case a candidate does not meet these requirements but opts for these courses and is allotted one of them, his/her admission will be cancelled later on. In all such cases the candidate will have no claim for any other course of study in any of the institutes.
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