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SIR, i have got an all india general category rank of 27624 and state general category rank of 3762 in AIEEE. I am a resident of Uttar Pradesh.so i would like to know is there any chance of me making it to the NIT in U.P that is Moti Lal Nehru National Institute Of Technology after applying the state quota? And if i can make it then which branches can i get with this rank? and which nit's can i get in the second and third counsellings which follow the first counselling after seats have been dropped out?

prateek malhotra , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Amit Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Prateep ,

Click the given link for opening and closing rank AIEEE


Please click the link for AIEEE cut off :


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