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will u please help me to select the most appropriate branch among civil@iitb;civil2iitd;chemical@iitk&eolectrical@iitr. please help out...

shikhar agarwal , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Anshul Verma

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Hi Shikhar ,


I wud suggest you to choose a branch of your interest then any thing else .

As about to choose from the above you can go for IIT-M for best placements , IIT-D for quality of studies . 

You can choose IIT-K , IIT-R if you want the above branches but i will again say that go for a branch that you like as you can excel only then and do good .


Feel free to post as manyas doubts you have we wud be happy to help.


All the best !!



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