
hi..i am geetin tn stat rank 444 in aieee..for wch i may get mettalurgy,production at NIT T..I also gettin all courses in AMRITA..WHEREVER I GO I M GONNA TAK 2ND ATTEMPT 4 JEE ..SO WCH AMONG THE 2 I shd opt???suppose i don mak n 2 iits next year does lower courses at NIT T hav future??TODAY AMRITA S ALSO GETTIN GUD AN S N TOP 10 DEEMED UNIV..?? SO WAT SHD I DO???

hi..i am geetin tn stat rank 444 in aieee..for wch i may get mettalurgy,production at NIT T..I also gettin all courses in AMRITA..WHEREVER I GO I M GONNA TAK 2ND ATTEMPT 4 JEE ..SO WCH AMONG THE 2 I shd opt???suppose i don mak n 2 iits next year does lower courses at NIT T hav future??TODAY AMRITA S ALSO GETTIN GUD AN S N TOP 10 DEEMED UNIV..?? SO WAT SHD I DO???


1 Answers

Kishan IIT Kharagpur
46 Points
14 years ago

Dear Karthik

You should opt for NIT T because:

1) It will leave you with enough time to prepare for JEE next year also.

2) In case you do not make it to the IITs, your education at NIT will still get you to a good level, careerwise.

3) If you clear IIT with a low rank and study one year at NIT, you will certainly be able to score well in your first year at IIT, hence putting you in a better position to obtain a department change.

4) You could also perform well in NIT itself and obtain a department change there by the end of the year.


Kishan S Srinivas

Askiitians Expert

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