
I secured 1553 rank in SC category. please mention the name of courses that i can get with this rank. can I get mechanical or electrical at IIT guwahati or roorkee.


I secured 1553 rank in SC category. please mention the name of courses that i can get with this rank.                                            can I get mechanical or electrical at IIT guwahati or roorkee. 

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Anshul Verma
64 Points
14 years ago

Hi Bhavya , 


Congrats on your Rank !!!!


You can get branched like Textile , Metallurgy etc in old IIt .You will have an option for better streams like ECE. , Mech. , cs. In new IIT's .


You will not be able to get Mech. Ece In Roorkee and Guwhati . You might have a chance to get a dual Mech. Or Dual ECE in Guwahati.


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