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<p><span style="color: #333333; font-size: 16px;"><strong><span style="color: #006699;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';"> <p>at the moment i am doing&nbsp;</p> <p>physics - ncert, comprehensive(theory), resnick halliday(theory), h c verma, arihant, course material, irodov</p> <p>chemistry - ncert, pradeep(theory), bruce h mahan(theory), j d lee(theory), morrison boyd(theory), peter sykes(theory), r c mukherjee, arihant, course material</p> <p>mathematics - ncert, s l looey, hall n knight, i a meron, arihant, course material.</p> <p>but as time is less, i am not being able to finish all these properly. so, plz suggest which books among these i should continue doing for good preparation and which not to do?</p> </span></span></strong></span></p>

iit jee , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Simran Bhatia

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear XYZ,

As you have already mentioned no. of books, which is really a tough job to finish all at a time ,

so what you need to do is first choose some theoritical book, make yopur concepts clear, and then move on to others books.

Select one book for regular studies and take rest of the books for solving numericals, do not try to intermingle the concepts,

Be analytical rather than being intuitive. Pick a question and try to recall your concepts about that topic and always be precise while answering. Try the question at least twice or thrice before you take a hint. You need a systematic approach to find a solution to a problem. Temporal balance is the utmost important factor which you need to develop in yourselves.

Try and keep depressing thoughts away and realize that you are not the only one who is  facing problems and almost all the students are in the same dilemma.

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thanks and regards.

Akhilesh Shukla

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