
what are your opinion about srm,delhi? is it even worst than any of the private UPTU colleges?? plz rply

what are your opinion about srm,delhi?
is it even worst than any of the private UPTU colleges?? plz rply


2 Answers

Jitender Pal
askIITians Faculty 365 Points
14 years ago

Dear Apporv,

We cannot decide which is best or which is worst, it just depends on the reputation of that particular institute, but it is almost true that SRM of delhi is not having good reputation.

So its better rather than to join srm you can opt for any good uptu colleges. provides online iit jee courses and IIT JEE Test Series with IITians. Click here to get free online test series and check your status timely or you can join us as our registered user for getting best iit jee study material or iit jee test series.

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thanks and regards.

Akhilesh Shukla

Apoorv parmar
16 Points
14 years ago

ya but there are 3-4 good private colleges and 7 govt collg......i am asking whether srm delhi is better than these 3-4 private college..!!

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