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Why trans Fe(en)2cl2 does not show optical isomers?

Pooja , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Vasanth SR

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Optical isomerism is exhibited by only those complexes in which elements of symmetry are absent. Octahedral complexes of the types [M(aa)3], [M(aa)x2,y2] and [M(aa)2x2] have an absence of elements of symmetry, thus exibit optical isomerism. Here, aa represents bidentate ligand, x or y represent mondentate ligand and M represent central metal ion.
Hence, [Co(NH3)3Cl3]0 due to the presence of symmetry elements does not exhibit optical isomerism.
Optical isomerism is exhibited by only those ocmplexes in which elements of symmetry are absent. Octahedral complexes of the types [M(aa)3], [M(aa)x2,y2] and [M(aa)2x2] have an absence of elements of symmetry, thus exhibit optical isomerism. Here, aa represents bidentate ligand, x or y represent monodentate ligand and M represent central metal ion.
Hence, [Co(NH3)3Cl3]0 due to the presence of symmetry elements does not exhibit optical isomerism.

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