
which is best mathematics and scientific computing or material science at iit kanpur? if i choose for mathematics and scientific computing which is a B.S course then will i be able to get my branch changed after first year to mechanical which is a course ?that is my main question to u is that is it possible to change from B.S course to course after first year at iit kanpur or at iit delhi?

which is best mathematics and scientific computing or material science at iit kanpur? if i choose for mathematics and scientific computing which is a B.S course then will i be able to get my branch changed after first year to mechanical which is a course ?that is my main question to u is that is it possible to change from B.S course to course after first year at iit kanpur or at iit delhi?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 652 Points
9 years ago
The question you have asked is genuine enough.
For the details you need to look at the official websites of both IIT Kanpur and IIT Delhi.
There are certain criteria which needs to be fulfilled before the branch change can be effective.
I would advise you ti go through the authentic and official website of the respective institutes.
28 Points
9 years ago
answer each question not the last one.

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