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Sir i want to improve my board’s % which is 85.6 to improve my jee main rank ,for which i m giving improvement exam,my question is that ,this year i am qualified for jee advanced according to my %,if in the improvement i cannot cross the cut off marks,is there some provision to show my 2014 marks that i was eligible in 2014,and what i will fill the form,appearing or passed?? ,,plz help

ashutosh , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Yash Baheti

Last Activity: 10 Years ago


JEE main asks you which ,arks you want to put after the exam for calculation. So if you get better mrak you can request to consider your improvement exam marks or you can go with your previous marks as well

I am quoting the line from JEE Mian website for ur reference :

Further it is clarified in the Information Bulletin
at Page No .3 that the marks of Class 12th
/equivalent qualifying examination will be displaye
d on the website of JEE (Main) during the
second week of June 2014. The candidates will have
to verify these marks and confirm on the
website. In case of any discrepancy, the candidate
should upload the copy of the mark-sheet
online only latest by 25th June 2014 on JEE (Main)
During this period i.e. after the declaration of re
sult of qualifying examination, the candidate
may update their request to consider the total mark
s of a mark-sheet having better marks out
of the mark-sheet of passing year or improvement ye

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