Flag Discuss with Askiitians Tutors> sir i have ENGLISH, PHYSICS, MATHS, CHEMI...
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sir i have ENGLISH, PHYSICS, MATHS, CHEMISTRY and COMPUTER SCIENCE as my 5 subjects in 12th cbse board and PHYSICAL EDUCATION as my additional subject. If i got more marks in physical education than in computer science .then which marks will be added for jee mains?
is it physical education (MEANS TOP 5 SUBJECTS FROM THESE 6 SUBJECTS) or my that 5 subjects only.

SHAVIK , 10 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
bharat bajaj

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Five subjects to be used for normalization:-
1. Physics
2. Mathematics
3. Any one of the subjects Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Computer Science
4. One language
5. Any subject other than the above four subjects.
Yes, if u got more in physical education.. it will be taken into account
Bharat Bajaj
IIT Delhi
askiitians faculty

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