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sir i have 6.5 months left for jee advanced 2015.do i have enough time to work that much needed for under 500 rank in advanced(iit)?i have done 2 year coaching from normal institute and in 2014 i was unable to qualify main(due to unfinished syllabus by coaching).now i rely on self study and test series. i have studied almost everything(only theory, never practiced much questions) but due to not solving problems i have forgotten many things and it feels like i am stuck in between . but i am very passionate about iit and want to get under 500 rank in it.i have started solving problems but it seems it will take much time to revise that multiple times for perfection.can i get my target.please help sir.u are final hope

raja , 10 Years ago
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Hello student,
Don’t lose hope, and I’m not saying this just for the sake of saying. i mean it but that would require a lot of continuous effort from your side.
Cracking JEE requires you to have an expertise on the numericals and problems more than the theory. As far as the time left is concerned, it is adequate to crack JEE advanced.
Start with easy subjects, chapters and topics which will gain you confidence. for solving advanced level problems. Once, you’re there, there’s no stopping. you can then attempt tougher questions or past year JEE questions. To begin with, you can start with the curriculum of your test series and later decide on your own. If you face any problems, you can post your doubts here.

All the best

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