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sir here q1 q2 >0and there is q1 q2 1q2 will be less than zerobut according the picture in the ncertit is not true. sircanu pls clarify my doubt?

BHAVANA RM , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

In the diagram you post, it is seen clearly, the multiplication of both the charges is positive, it means they are of same polarity, thats why they repel each other.
In second case, if their multiplication is less than zero, it means both the charges are of different polarity, thats why they are being attaracted.

shubham sharda

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

n the diagram you post, it is seen clearly, the multiplication of both the charges is positive, it means they are of same polarity, thats why they repel each other.In second case, if their multiplication is less than zero, it means both the charges are of different polarity, thats why they are being attaracted.

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