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sir can u please give me a studytime table so that i can complete all concepts from maths, physics and chemistry clearly. i have completed my syllabus right this week and nowfeared of how to prepare for jee in upcomming days.kindly please be helpful in giving me a timetable so that i could be able to cover all chapter by december as i have to make time to go through my state board exams also. kindly help me.

k m vamsi , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

As I am unaware of the number of hours and the duration of the day which you can invest in following the schedule, I can tell you the numbers of hours you should invest per day and the routine you can thence follow:
3 hrs daily for each subject atleast. Also, try to appear for a test (may be a worksheet in the set time or a sample paper) everyday. Try to mix and match the subjects and topics according to your coonvenience. But once started, try to stick to the time table devotionally. Go for a walk or indulge in some light physical activity to freshen up. This also helps build concentration span for longer hours.

Stick to the study material you have been following as your basic and over it, try new question banks and tests. Regarding the time of day, you can fix that according to your convenience and choice.

All the best.

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