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roatation part 4 doubts

vineet chatterjee , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 4 Answers
Sumit Majumdar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Dear student,
Can you please tell us how did you attempt to do the question. You are required to find the net force at the centre due to which the body is moving. the other way to find the result is by using the conservation of angular momentum. Try either of the two concepts to solve this.

vineet chatterjee

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

i am not getting the answer.kindly give me the solution

Sumit Majumdar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

what is the answer that you are getting, pls upload your solution. unless you upload the solution, we cant suggest where you are going wrong …................................,....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

vineet chatterjee

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

sir,it’s beena long time since i stuied rotation.avtually,i am an enrolled student of askiitians in gold25 batch and i had posted the question long ago(when discussion board facility was not there)in google group but i did not get any reply so i posted it on the discussion forum and since it’s been a long time now,i need to study/revise rotation again to solve this question whereas now i am doing electrostats

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