
Let f ( x ) be a continuous function defined for x-> [1,3] . If f ( x ) takes rational values for all x and f ( 2 ) = 10 then f ( 1.5 )= pls explain in detail ????

Let f (x) be a continuous function defined for          x-> [1,3]If f(xtakes rational values for all x and f(2) = 10 then  f(1.5)=
pls  explain in detail ????


1 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
Hi Moidin,
See the value of f(1.5)=10 because its a constant function.
Because of closure property of irrational no. Any function will generate irrational on real line until its a constant function.

Thanks & Regards

Arun Kumar

IIT Delhi

Askiitians Faculty

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