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How to start preparing for JEE from 10th. I really want to Clear JEE and choose Computer Science and I really wish to do it anyhow. I will do every efforts from now , I just need a path , a guide so I don't waste my time and I Get some quality information . please help me

Vinayak Gupta , 4 Years ago
Grade 9
anser 3 Answers
Kanan Choudhary

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Search  how can I start my IIt preparation from class 10 ? Full road map, class 10 to jee try it out . This video os on  Akash talks and watch the whole video on you tube also seacrh out some best motivation videos as you need them to not get distracted and let the spirit grown 


Last Activity: 4 Years ago

  1. Practice previous year questions many times..
  2. Appear for a test series and analyse it properly (Giving 2–3 hours)
  3. Revise your notes multiple times till they enter your soul :)
  4. Find your strong points and chapters, work on them..
  5. Solve other people’s doubts. It makes your own concepts very clear


Last Activity: 3 Years ago

if you really want to clear jee mains in 2 years ,then most important thing is that you will have to follow this:

1 give at least 2 hours to study

2 make good notes ,and mark important points and formulas for quick revision so you can revise at exam time or you can even buy a formulae book for that but better if you make a note book for yourself

3 brush up your basics in mechanics ,thermodynamics ,organic , calculus etc..

4 see the syllabus of jee thoroughly ,and start practicing those topics from now on , if you find books boring try video lectures on youtube , believe me it will save your time,i guess first chapter in 11th is on vectors and mechanics , ,go and watch youtube videos on them from now on and make notes from them ,this will even help you to perform good in class ,pradeep kshetrepal physics lecture on youtube are very good for physics


try to solve previous papers and questions

you don’t need to study a lot even if you want a good rank , just make your basics strong ,thats it and don’t get depressed and don’t take much tension , after studying for 30 minutes take proper 5 to 10 minutes break and keep refreshing yourself ,don’t give up easily


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