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Does a bigger parallel circuit generate more current than smaller parallel circuit? I know the differences between parallel and series circuits, but what if you had one parallel circuit with 3 resistors, and you had another one with like 9 resistors? The first one had total 4 ohms of resistance, and the second one had 13. The second circuit is set up the same way, except it is bigger. Which one would have the most current?? And why? Also, is it possible to calculate this? Sorry for the long question! I m curious :) Thanks everyone!

Vikas TU , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Parallel circuits of resisters do not "generate" current - they draw or use current. 
You have extremely muddled your question because you have made the 9 resister parallel come to 13 ohms so each resister would be 117 ohms. This would draw much less current than 4 resister totaling 4 ohms from the same voltage. 
If you want a proper example based on your question - it would have to be like "two circuits connected to the same voltage have the same resistance but one has 3 resisters and the other has 9. Does the one with more resisters draw more current?" and the answer is NO.

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