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A 50 kg block slides down a plane that has been raised to an angle of 30° above the horizontal at a constant rate. After the block slides completely to the bottom of the plane, a rope is attached to the block. The rope pulls parallel to the surface of the plane as the block is pulled up the plane at a constant rate. Which statement about the tension in the rope is correct? Ans.The tension in the rope is equal to the weight of the block Please give me the diagram of this question so I can justify the answer.

Harshitha Cheekala , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Naveen Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Here it is not clesr that whether the surface is smooth or rough. Let the surface of the plane is fixed and the plane is fixed then the tension in the string can br simply drawn as shwn in the figure attached here:(assuming that the block is moving upward withoud any acceleration)
If it is not clear then please check the question and post again.

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