Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Dear Abhipsa
KANYAKUMARI =2 K +3 A + 1N + 1Y + 1U + 1M + 1R +1I
Case letter does not include A and K
total number of 4 letter word can be formed =6C4 4!................1
total number of 4 letter word that has different letter can be formed =6C4 4!................2
case letter include A but not K
total number of 4 letter word can be formed =1*6C3 4! + 1*1*6C2 4!/2! +1*1*1*6C1 4!/3! ( when 1 A ,2A and 3A are included respestively)...............3
total number of 4 letter word that has different letter can be formed =1* 6C3 4! ...........4
case letter include K but not A
total number of 4 letter word can be formed =1*6C3 4! + 1*1*6C2 4!/2! + ( when 1 K ,2K are included respestively).................5
total number of 4 letter word that has different letter can be formed =1* 6C3 4!...............6
case letter K and A both included
total number of 4 letter word can be formed =1*1*6C2 4! + 1*2*6C1 4!/2! + 1*3*6C0 4!/3! +2*1*6C2 4!/2! +2*2*6C0 4!/2! 2!( when 1 K 1A ,1K2A,1K3A,2k1A,2K 2A are included respestively).................7
total number of 4 letter word that has different letter can be formed =1*1* 6C2 4!...............8
so pobability =(2+4+6+8)/(1+3+5+7)
put value of above equation and calculate
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