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i feel i know the concept well but cant apply it in d problems and question.! i tried learning concepts of physics by hc verma but i feel that concepts are not explained extensively and formulae appear out of way no where in the problems that he solves.! what shoud i do.? what kind of books do i refer to for better concept understanding in physics.! please HELP.!!!!!!! (PS:My confidence level is on a swing always,, so, how do i deal about that.????

Kishore Kumar , 11 Years ago
anser 4 Answers
Ashwin Muralidharan IIT Madras

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Hi Kishore,


Start by solving easy problems (if you are attending a coaching, they will give you level wise assignments).

Once you get to know how a problem is solved (the one which you were unable to solve on your own), make note of it and keep revising it, so that it would help you to solve similar problems in future. And that''s how you keep improving.



Wish you all the best.



Ashwin (IIT Madras).

mohit yadav

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

 u can use dc pandey

Saurabh Anand

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

u should buy arihant publication phy books....writer dc pandey...n for confidence level keep practicing as many questions are possible...for this d c panedey is the best..

Vineet Mehts

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

You must try dc pandey or irodov,since they will increase ur application skills

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