Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Dear Prajvi Jain
you don't feel maths tough but still you don't score good in maths. its mean that your basic concept are not need a proper guidence.
Fitst I will suggest you to join any coaching classes if you have not joined yet.Because as you are preapearing for IIT JEE then you will face a tough comptition.
coaching classes can guide in a better way.
I am suggesting some books...
S. L. Loney Trigonometry
S. L. Loney Co-ordinate Geometry
Hall Knight Higher Algebra
I.A. Maron Problems in Calculus of One Variable
Arihant Algebra
Arihant Differential Calculus
Arihant Integral Calculus
First study the theory of chapter from above books and see solved problems then solve excersise.
Please feel free to post as many doubts on our discussion forum as you can.
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All the best.
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