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where we find the correct steering in ur daily life?.......except davis mechanism and ackermann mechanism?......

angel jessika , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Angel,

The pyrolysis and oxidation of propene were studied experimentally in an atmospheric flow reactor. Species profiles were obtained in the intermediate to high temperature range (similar to 1200 K) for lean, stoichiometric, rich, and pyrolytic conditions. Laminar flame speeds of propene/air mixtures were also determined over an extensive range of equivalence ratios, at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, using the counterflow twin flame configuration. A detailed chemical kinetic model consisting of 469 reactions and 71 species was used to describe the high-temperature kinetics of propene, propyne, allene, and propane. It was shown that the kinetic model could accurately predict a wide range of combustion data for these fuels, including laminar premixed flame speeds, speciation in how reactors, and ignition in shock tubes. 


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Aman Bansal

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