Aman Bansal
Last Activity: 12 Years ago
Dear Kurma,
1) Choose the 4 places for the consonants that is 7C4, the order on the consonants is given LGBR... and there is only one way to put the vowels as well AEA thus the total ways to rearrange without changing the relative order of vowel and consonant is 7C4=35
2)Each parcel has 5 possibilities to be sent therefore there are 5^4 ways to send the parcels...
3) as boys and girls should alternate there are only two ways to put the boys and girls
for each of this two there are as you said (5!)^2 way to arrange the boys and girls into this formation
so the answer is 2 (5!)^2
4) there are m+2 parallels in each of the directions of the side of the original parallelogram any two of the parallels in one direction and any two of the other direction will form a parallelogram
thus the answer is [(m+2)C2]^2
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Aman Bansal
Askiitian Expert