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Sir I want to know which board is better CBSE or M.P Board.? I'm in 12th now..I want to know this beoz my father wants me to join Mp board school so that I can score good marks..but my frndz told me it's value is less in college placements experts give preferance to CBSE board..is it true?

Abhilasha B.R Gaurkhede , 12 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Raheema Javed

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Yes its true that CBSE is preferred more.
State board syllabus is designed by the Department of Education of the concerned State Government. That implies that the syllabus changes for every state of India. Each state government looks after educational issues pertaining to this system. The level of education of state boards is considered easier than CBSE and ICSE boards. They try to accommodate even students with lower IQ to complete their schooling successfully. They do not focus on competency for entrance examinations of medical and engineering. These students have been found to struggle with their studies in the first year of college education as the standard of education goes up suddenly.

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