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how is grb physics for competitions

Cherla Sri Krishna Kiran , 12 Years ago
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

GRB Group is recognized as one of the leading educational publishing group in India. We specialize in science textbooks for Classes IX, X, XI & XII of various school boards in the country as well as for Engineering and Medical Entrance Examinations, focusing mainly on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.

Over the years GRB has led publishing industry in the country and has always strived to redefine excellence in the publishing field by maintaining quality with efficiency. Our books are published under the banner ofPrakash Publications,G.R. Bathla & SonsandG.R. Bathla Publications Pvt. Ltd.These books are available in English and Hindi for Classes IX, X, XI & XII of various school boardsand preparation of Engineering and MedicalEntrance Examinations likeJEE (Main & Advanced), NEET, AIIMS & AFMC.Since our books are student friendly, match the competition level, mainly focus on concept-building and are widely recommended by teachers, these are preferred by students appearing in various examinations for achieving success.

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