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sir i wanted to know some tricks to crack these problems.I usually solve by simplifying the equations so that i can use my fomulae i would like to know some more tricks.

tejas tundulwar , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Godfrey Classic Prince

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear tejas tundulwar,

Practice makes a man perfect".

You must have heard this proverb tons of times but this is where it applies to.

Everyone has difficulty in cracking tough problems,I mean everyone who starts for JEE has this problem and I had them too.

But it can be overcome . It only takes time. As you solve a lot of problems,you would get familiar with the concepts and you would know where to use the shortcuts to make the problem easier for you.

Work hard and I am sure that you will be able to crack any problem because any problem has a solution and all you need to do is find it !!

Every Champion was a Beginner once


So go with all that you have got and stay there till you get what you have come for.


My Wishes for your bright future ...!!

Hope this helped you immensely..

All the Very Best & Good Luck to you ...



AskIITians Expert,

Godfrey Classic Prince


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