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objectives ofproduction planning and controlin a brief manner including headings ...?

sanju rathod , 12 Years ago
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Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Companies wish to satisfy market demands expressed in terms of real or forecast demand. To do this companies in general produce a Master Production Schedule (MPS) that states the number of each product to be made over some planning horizon and a Sales Programme that states the number of each product to be sold. The PPC function and its associated systems aim to plan and control production so that a company meets the production requirements as effectively as possible. PPC systems are hierarchical. A hierarchical planning process is used for PPC to help a manager understand and control the operations for which he is responsible. A high-level plan sets the context within which the next lower level plans operate. The different levels in the hierarchy operate on different time scales. Typically aggregate planning is associated with long planning horizons and detailed planning is associated with short planning horizons. A common operational starting point for planning production is the Master Production Schedule from which the requirements of materials, parts, machines and labour are derived. Modifications may be made to the plans if the derived requirements are thought to be inappropriate. The consequences of the chosen plans, usually expressed as a list of requirements of made-in and bought-out parts, become the basis of the work schedules placed on individual men and machines and orders placed on suppliers.

The prime objective of production planning and control is to ensure that parts and products are produced so as to achieve the Master Production Schedule (MPS) in a way that is consistent with meeting the company's other performance measures. The MPS states the number of each product to be produced period by period over some time into the future known as the planning horizon. The MPS, in conjunction with the sales programme, is the company's planned response to the demands of the market. In particular, the MPS, company production and inventory policies and knowledge of inventory levels, are used to determine the number of items to produce, the planned inventories of raw material, work-in-progress, finished parts and finished products and the manufacturing resource requirements such as machines and labour. Plans should be realistic and avoid asking for the impossible.

The British Standards document BS 5192 Part 1:1993 states that the Production Control function comprises three inter-related stages: programming, ordering and dispatching. It also states that production control occupies a central position in the exchange of information between the functional departments within a manufacturing organisation. In particular it then goes on to mention the following seven groups of functions: sales/marketing, design/development, purchasing, finance/accounting, manufacturing/quality assurance/production engineering, distribution, personnel. A common representation of PPC includes the following characteristics:

A hierarchy of planning that involves a progressive detailing of high level plans to produce operational plans and associated instructions;
Communication that allows the plans to reach the appropriate people at an appropriate time and
Feedback that provides suitably summarised information about performance to the controllers of the plans.

BS 5192 also makes the points that 'there is a tendency when designing production control systems to make them over-complicated.' and that 'In many situations there is an alternative to developing ever more complex systems to deal with increasingly complex operations. It involves putting effort into reducing or even eliminating the elements of complexity and uncertainty inherent in manufacturing operations…' Factors mentioned include: design for ease of manufacture, improving factory layout, introducing improved production methods, improving quality, etc. Some of these are discussed later.

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