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Hello sir! I want 2 know that is ISEET coming into force from 2013 or will the same IIT pattern be followed.Sir,plz tell me soon since i am planning to join some coaching for IIT 2013 n ur answer will affect my decision.

EAGERLY WAITING 4 UR REPLY..................

SKS , 12 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 3 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Shivakant

Dont post the same question again and again.

Cracking IIT just got more exciting,It s not just all about getting assistance from IITians, alongside Target Achievement and Rewards play an important role. ASKIITIANS has it all for you, wherein you get assistance only from IITians for your preparation and win by answering queries in the discussion forums. Reward points 5 + 15 for all those who upload their pic and download the ASKIITIANS Toolbar, just a simple  to download the toolbar….

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Aman Bansal

Askiitian Expert



Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Shivakant,

The successor to the JEE and AIEEE — for long the gateways to India’s top engineering colleges including the IITs — will be called ISEET, the Indian Science Engineering Eligibility Test.the new, SAT-style exam comes into force in 2013.

The government will scrap all engineering entrance exams, including the IIT-JEE and the AIEEE, from 2013-14 and reduce the stress levels of students.

ISEET will have two parts, Main and Advance, each of three hours duration. Both tests will be given on the same day, between 10 am and 5 pm. ISEET 2013 will be held in either March or April.

ISEET Main will be an objective type exam, and will test comprehension, critical thinking and logical reasoning. ISEET Advance will test problem-solving ability in basic science subjects. The two tests together will indicate a candidate’s scholastic level and aptitude for science and engineering.

Cracking IIT just got more exciting,It s not just all about getting assistance from IITians, alongside Target Achievement and Rewards play an important role. ASKIITIANS has it all for you, wherein you get assistance only from IITians for your preparation and win by answering queries in the discussion forums. Reward points 5 + 15 for all those who upload their pic and download the ASKIITIANS Toolbar, just a simple  to download the toolbar….

So start the brain storming…. become a leader with Elite Expert League ASKIITIANS


Aman Bansal

Askiitian Expert


Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Aman sir! I wrote my question and clicked on the button "get your answer" just once . i dont know how it got posted two times so i would just say it was a mistake, dont know on whose part and thanx a lot for your reply.

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