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the function f(x)= sin(ln mod(x)), x not equal to 0 and 1if x=0:a) is continuous at x=0b) has removable discontinuity at x=0c) has jump discontinuity at x=0d) has oscillating discontinuity at x=0

Manish Balani , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Dhruv Sunil Agarwal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

We have lim x tends to 0^- f(x)=lim h tends to 0 sin(ln l-hl )= lim h tends to 0 sin (ln h )

which does not exist but lies between -1 and 1.

Similarly, lim x tendsto 0^+ f(x) lies between -1 and 1 but cannot be determined.

Therefore answer is d)

in above solution 0^- and 0^+ means 0 minus and 0 plus

nikhil arora

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

The answer shud be D. 

putting x=0 in f(x) ,

f(0) = sin (ln(0)) = sin(-∞) which is an oscillating value between -1 and 1

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