
sir or mam am in 10 class to make my concepts of physics and math more strong which book i prefer

sir or mam am in 10 class to make my concepts of physics and math
more strong which book i prefer


2 Answers

nikhil arora
54 Points
12 years ago

Just get urself confined to NCERTs upto 10th class. after giving 10 class exams, when u go to 11, just read HC verma, which is best book to build concepts from zero level. Start each chapter from beginning, dont jump to exercises after 1st read. whn u begin to feel confident on theory, then try qusestions.

For maths, i think practise is the only method to build concepts. u can go for arihant skills in mathematics series. they are good for theory part and also a variiety of questions too,

Jayati Bhardwaj
17 Points
12 years ago

I had the same problem in my 10th. and i find the solution in s.chand books for physics and chem and for maths i solved rd sharma. i think that is definately helping me now. Best of luck.

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