
1) I Want to know how to improve my problem solving ability in kinematics, plzz suggest useful methods??? 2) When is the best time (which grade) to buy books like HC Verma ,etc ?

1) I Want to know how to  improve my problem solving ability in kinematics, plzz suggest useful methods???

2) When is the best time (which grade) to buy books like HC Verma ,etc ?


4 Answers

Ashwin Sinha
520 Points
13 years ago

Dear Bhanu,

 U should first of all, be patient!!!!!!    Then u should practice HCV & DC Pandey & practice it with full concentration!!!!!!

 It's good to buy HCV (Vol. I) in starting of class xi , & Vol. II by end of class xi, as Heat & Thermodynamics is in Vol. II!!!!!!


                                                    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!



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33 Points
13 years ago

practice more and more and try to analyse the things. you can also take help from folloing books:-







Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
13 years ago

Dear bhanu p,

I was through the same track sometime back(during my preparation for JEE & AIEEE) .....

I also wanted to get Kinematics into my grip but finally realised something "Practice makes the man perfect"

I do not want you to waste time(as i did experimenting ways) so i am saying this & put this as a nail in your head....Practice,practice & practice that's all !!!


Well i from my own experience believe that class 11 is the best time to buy HC Verma because you get into in-depth science & mathematics after your class 10 & HC Verma will help you get that edge ahead of all the students in India ...!!


Hope you understand what i mean...!!

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jureddy ganga surya prasanth
15 Points
13 years ago

1) start solving kinematics problems from Telugu Acadamei text book . Then start solving the books provided by your college , next you can solve different books.and also read your notes given by Your sirs before starting the work .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

2)When you have the confidence that you are strong in your basics.

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