
in pradeep's, in the preparation of haloalkanes from alcohols- by the action of halogen acids, i got- "this reaction is an example of nucleophilic substitution reaction in which the nucleophile i.e. halide ion attacks the protonated alcohol molecule with the expulsion of water!" what are the meanings of the terms 'protonated' and 'expulsion'? please explain in detail.

in pradeep's, in the preparation of haloalkanes from alcohols- by the action of halogen acids, i got-

"this reaction is an example of nucleophilic substitution reaction in which the nucleophile i.e. halide ion attacks the protonated  alcohol molecule with the expulsion of water!"

what are the meanings of the terms 'protonated' and 'expulsion'? please explain in detail.


1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Protonation is possibly the most fundamental chemical reaction and is a step in many stoichiometric and catalytic processes. Some ions and molecules can undergo more than one protonation and are labeled polybasic. This is true of many biological macromolecules

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