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Hello mentors..I am a class XII student. I have been preparing for IIT since I passed out my class X. But now I am not sure where my praparation is going. I have been doing all the presecribed books , practicing all techniques. I generally do questions well. But whenever I take a test, I never score good. It's not that I get nervous. I just can't figure out how to do that question . I have been getting just 40% mrks whereas the average score is around 85%. I am pretty depressed at the moment and dont understand what needs to be done. Please guide me mentors .mitika

Mitika Dahiya , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 4 Answers
ashish kumar jha

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

dont worry initially u will face some problem managing the both at a time.but i would suggest u keep ur preparation going.it does not matter if u get odd 70% what matters is when people will know that u are iit qualified it will overshadow ur board results. be focussed. "I KNOW , I CAN, I WILL"

Mitika Dahiya

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

AskIITians Expert Sunil,DCE

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Hello Mitika, First of all dnt get depressed. see as u mentioned u r preparing well with all efforts n u r end up with very low score. Its means there is a something missing in ur preparation.Just identify the cause of low score. See whether its due to negative marking or reason is other thing. Just with relaxed mind, identity the weakest Link of ur path to success in JEE. Again plan ur studies in a well manner keeping the stress at the zero level. Wish u gud luck for IIT-JEE.

Mitika Dahiya

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Well Actually I haven't been able to identify the cause of my failure and that is pulling my morale down. For e.g. In maths I have been doing Arihant and M.L.Khanna and have been ableto solve them. But I am not able to apply any of the concepts on the questions in exams. Is there any other book that needs to be referred ? Should I change the way I study ? Please help me out with it.



P.S. I would request the askIIT tutors to respond. Please !!

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