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sir,i am targetting iit next year,its my last chance and i have already started my studies.for a quick guide i want to know that what should be my order of studying in PCM(topic wise individually i.e chapter by chapter for each subject)As i have already joined a private college with ECE stream .It would be very helpful if u kindly tell me, in which chapters I should give more priorities,as i already have a pressure of my college on other hand.thank u in advance...

Abhishek Das , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
AskIITians Expert Hari Shankar IITD

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Take a look at last two years IIT-JEE papers. See which topic has been given more weightage. Although it does not mean that the same topics will be given weightage next year as well, it should be a good indicator.

Since you have just finished class 12, I would recommend studying the Class 12 topics first.


Do Electrostatics, Electric current, Magnetics, and Optics first. Then do important Class 11 topics like Kinematics and gravitation. Since you have only one year, take care not to give too much time to any one topics and remain stuck there. Don't try too high level problems. Do problems from HC Verma's book. Try to just learn the concepts fast. If the concepts are thorough, you can solve any problem given sufficient time.

Then do modern physics, units and dimensions. Optics, interference and diffraction and magnetics, electromagnetic induction are very scoring I think. So be very clear with concepts in these topics. Give more importance to these.


Start with Calculus. Complete calculus first. You will get an advantage here because you will most probably have Calculus in ECE 1st year also. Then do matrices. Then start Cordinate geometry. Then, do 3D Geometry and Vectors thoroughly. These 2 are very easy to learn and master, and they are very scoring.

After that do other topics.


Start with Organic chemistry. Keep studying Inorganic chemistry also side by side. Most of inorganic chemistry has to be learned by-heart so you have to keep revising it again and again. In organic, be very clear with all important reactions and their mechanisms. This is very important.

In physical chemistry, Stoichiometry, Gas laws and thermodynamics are easy. You should do them well. Then do Chemical and Ionic equilibrium.

I have given only a general schedule. But you can change it a bit if you like certain topics more than others. e.g. if you like P&C and probability, then you can concentrate on that, but I did not mention it because many students find those topics tough.

Most importantly, join at least two full test series from good coaching institutes. Dont miss any test. Carefully solve the full paper after each test and analyze it fully.

I hope that helps.

AskIITianExpert Srijan.iitd

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

for maths the order shud be like this-



3.Differential Calculas

4.Integral Calculas

5.Coordinate Geometry

7.PnC n Probability

and the most important chapters are those of Calculas,all chapters of calculas and in algebra the complex numbers is the most important.if you have basics of coordinates clear and you master the calculas and complex maths would be a cakewalk.!!

for physics the order should be-


2.Mechanics(do rotations at last)


4.electric currents


7.AC currents





12.Material properties(elasticity ,bulk modulas etc)

11.Modern physics


the most important of them are the chapters involving charges either moving or stationary i.e electrical part then the modern physics and basics of mechanics should be very very clear to score decently because mechanics is used indirectly in many questions.Waves is also an important chapter.

For chemistry Follow the order of chapters that is given in the book you follow for each of the organic inorganic n physical!!!every book have the same order and that is always the best order to follow.

the most important chapters of organic are the polymerism ,the basic addition n elimination reactions,ketons n aldehydes.

for physical the mole concept,redox reactions,atomic structure,equilibrium and the sold states.

for inorganic coordination compounds is the most important chapter fllowed by bonding!!!


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