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aku -- kumar , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 7 Answers

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear student,

In case 1:

Yes vapor density will remain same thruoghout the reaction course so it is correct.

In case 2:

Yes option B is very much correct

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Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

vikas askiitian expert

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Q-56 ..

rod will behave as chord of circle ... perpendicular distance bw rod &

center of circle can be calculated , let this distance is d ...

 d2 + (L/2)2 = R2                   (by pythegorus theorem)

 d2  = 4-1 = 3

 d = root3

 initially rod was verticle , let bottom most point of sphere  is at 0 potential then

potential of center of mass of rod is mgR  (initially , when rod is verticle)      &

potential of center of mass of rod is mg(R-d)     finally  (when rod is horizontal) ...


change in potential energy = change in KE                  (by work energy  theorem)


 dKE = IW2/2

 dPE = mgR - (mg(R-d) = mgd

 W = [2mgd/I]1/2                  ...................1

I = Icom + md2 

  = ml2/12 + md2

 l = 2 , d = root3 so

I = m(1/3 + 3) = 10m/3           ..................2


putting value of I in eq 1 we get

W = [6root3]1/2


option b is correct

aku -- kumar

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

dear vikas,


i got the first one yes it is correct my option is correct. but second one i'm still getting b, are you getting the same answer.

vikas askiitian expert

Last Activity: 13 Years ago


 differentiating this eq wrt x using leibnez rule

f1(x) = e-1 (1/2rootx)

dy/dx = 1/2erootx = 1/2ex1/2

dy = dx/2ex1/2

y = x1/2/e + c

at x = 0, y is 0

so , y = x1/2                    .......................1

 or x/e = y2            

this is the eq of parabola ....

option C is correct

approve my ans if u like

vikas askiitian expert

Last Activity: 13 Years ago


 f(x) = exsinx           .................1


f1(x) = exsinx + excosx      


f1(x) = f(x) + excosx        ..............2        (from eq 1)


f2(x) = f1(x) + excosx - exsinx     .................3


substituting excosx from 2 in 1


f2(x) = 2f1(x) - f(x) - exsinx               ..........4


substituting exsinx from eq 1 in eq 4


f2(x) = 2( f1(x) - f(x) )


f2(0) = 2( f1(0) - f(0))


in eq 1 & 2 put x = 0 , that will give


 f(0) = 0

f1(0) = 1 so

f2(0) = 2


in same manner f10(0) = 2*5 = 10


option C is correct


vikas askiitian expert

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

C)focus of parabola is at (1,1) ...

line also passes through this point so this line is also focul chord o this parabola...

for parabola let lengths of two parts of divided by axis is l2,l1 respectively ...

l1 = a(t2+1)

l2 = a(1+1/t2)

harmonic mean is 2

k = 4

vikas askiitian expert

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

D) tangent to any ellipse is given

 y = mx + (a2m2+b2)1/2                       

 (y-mx)2 = a2m2 + b2               ................1

let it passes through (h,k) then

(k-mh)2 = a2m2 + b2 

m2(h2-a2) - 2mkh + k2-b2 = 0

from here we get 2 slopes of tangent , let they intersect at 90o ...    (this is assumtion )

m1m2 = -1                   (multiplication of roots = -1)

k2-b2/h2-a2 = -1

k2 + h2 = a2 + b2          .....................2

x2/pi + y2/e = 1           ..............3

a2 = pi , b2 = e


now see the given point satisfies the eq 2 so we can surely say that these

tangents intersect at 90o or pi/2

k = 4


approve if u like my ans


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