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dear siri am rahul of class 11and i am in kvs bellaryi have not yet started the prep of iit or aieee until now due to collage work .so how to manage and how to start my preparation for iitjeeand can u give me tips on studying and time mangement of iitjee

rahul rg , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Anil Pannikar AskiitiansExpert-IITB

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Rahul,


First of all take basic books like NCERT n solve them so that u can build confidence ( some ques are directly asked from ncert in jee ), now move onto reference books meant for IIT like HC verma (phy), A das gupta ( maths ) or u can take coaching notes of reputed insti. for iit jee n solve them. Time management is very imp for any competitive exam. Make ur daily study schedule by diving the total time ( u have for self study ) into 2-3 hours of interval and stick to it till the end . Clarity of basics is very imp. so don't skip any part n solve lots of problems to have a command on the subject.


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Anil Pannikar

IIT Bombay

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