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iam presently studying in class 12 in a kv school with no coaching for iitjee and aieee.i have wasted a lot of time without preparing for iitjee and aieee for which iam repenting now.can anyone please guide me for preparing for iitjee and aieee within 5.5 months of preperation along with my board preperation. is it possible for me to crack iitjee or aieee if i start preparing from now? please answer soon.

shivendra lohit toleti , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear shivendra,

You are too late in your realization.However, if you dedicade 5.5 months of your life in the preparation, you can get a good rank in JEE or AIEEE.first start with the topics of your board exams , prepare well in these topics, this will help in your board exams too.Then to general scoring topics.Understand these concepts very carefully and conceptually give these topics much more time.Then on to tuff topics.Conceptual understanding and solving more problems is alwyas a key way to master a topic.Apply the same rules for all the three subjects.To complete all the topics you need give a minimum of 10-12 hrs daily.

Please feel free to ask your queries here. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation.

All the best.

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