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wat is method of diffrence ??plz explain how n where to use it ??

Mohit Mittal , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Askiitians_Expert Yagyadutt

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Hello mohit


Your question is exactly not clear to me..but then also i am attempting it...if you understand by this ..then i will feel happy..else make it a bit more clear please...


Some times a series is exactly in AP like..


1   3    5     7     9    11    13     15  ...............this is an AP with C.D = 2


But when


1    4    9   16   25...............................  then this is not an AP ....but when u see it clearly..then difference between two terms are in AP


1    4    9   16   25...............................

    3    5   7    9     .........................


So to solve such type of Question...we use this method...


S =  1    4    9   16   25...............................Tn 


S =        1    4    9   16   25.........................Tn-1  Tn


0  = (1  + 3 + 5 + 7+9 +........n terms ............) - Tn


Tn =  n^2


So once you find Tn ..then u can easily find out the sum ...by applying  sigma (Tn)  and apply limit as required


I hope this help you




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