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sir i have passed the jee exam and i am thinking of opting civil engineering in iit madras. can u please update me about the avg salary offered in iitm for civil in 2009 and also the highest salary ? which do u think is better salarywise;civil eng in iit madras or mech eng in iit roorkee or chemical eng in iit kharagpur ?i hope that u will reply to me soon as my councelling has already begun..please post ur reply to achieveraak@gmail.comthank you.

kishan kamat , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Askiitians Expert ChaitanyaVardhan-IIT KHARAGPUR

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Kishan,

Congratulations on clearing JEE. You should try to get in to Chennai or Kharagpur and not Roorkee. Also, I think Chemical at IIT Kharagpur is better than Civil at IIT Madras.At IIT your goal sholuld be to secure good grades and work in a company relevant to your branch of study and not some IT company. There will be more Chem Engg companies than Civil companies in placement and the salary will be better too.

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All the best Kishan !!!


Askiitians Experts

Chaitanya Vardhan

Amit Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear kishan,

Your order of preference order shud be like : Mechanical @IIT roorkee > Chemical @IIT kharagpur > Civil @ IIT madras..

Civil is good branch .. but in terms packages chemical and mechanical are better than civil. If you are interested in civil branchthen only go fro this.


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Amit Yadav


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