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i hail from karnataka state and i got a rank of around 600 in the entrance test for the engg colleges in my state( i,e. the CET). also i got a score of around 140-150 to AIEEE. i didnt write jee this year bcoz i hadnt prepared anything for it.even after the completion of my 10th boards i was always focussing on AIEEE rather than JEE. so for all these days i havent even referred to study material for JEE.since everyone is telling me tat preparing for JEE is lot more harder than AIEEE i have a feeling that i have to start from square one. do u think someone in my position can clear JEE in 2010. or is it too late for for JEE and i should rather be focussing on PG entrance exams like GATE

infiniti .......me , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Sourabh Singh

Last Activity: 10 Years ago


it’s never late than never. You can always start but the conviction must be very strong to make you successful.

Best of Luck.


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