Which is the best book to practice math from which includes theory also?
Rohit Jaiswal , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
3 Answers
Umakant biswal
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
@ rohit for maths u can refer to the following books 1- IIT MATHS BY M L KHANNA 9 FOR THEORCY AND CONCEPTS ) 2- for numericals u can go for s k goyal series . and if u are preparing for mains , then m l khanna only can cater the demand . but do the last 37 years prev year ques book , that is most imp . ALL THE BEST ..
cengage series is best ever because it has lots of theory portion good level of solved examples nd mainy of mcqs with solution at last of the boof this book is the best weapon for jee to self study ok so best of luck for ur exams do studies hard and give ur best i hope for ur good IF U LIKE MY ANSWER JUST HIT APPROVE BUTTON AND MY FRIEND KEEP ASKING FOR FURTHER QUARIES THANK U