What is iota^iota . I really needed to know this so my friend told me that ask the iitians . So i am asking an iitian , hopefully you will answer my question ASAP thanks
Lvanish , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
3 Answers
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
Iota is a complex number with the value of root under -1 , so iota to the power iota is , root under -1 to the power root under -1.
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
actually the ans is (-pie/2).
here, lets assume that A=i^i.
taking log on both side, we can write> logA =ilogi
@ lvanish iota is besically a greek letter which is used to define the imaginary part of a complex number lets say we have an equation x^2 +1 =0 the value of x will be the square root of -1 which is fundamentally not possible . to solve such equation u need the square root of some negative number ,. the concept of complex number are introduced for that . iota is used to denote the square root of -1 . some books u will find that iota is a number whoose square is -1 ..
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