Flag Discuss with Askiitians Tutors> sir please can you tell which one is bett...
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sir please can you tell which one is better for computer science ..JIIT noida or LNMIIT jaipur ...i have got 175 in JEE mains 2015 and 92.6% in CBSE 2015. which NIT can i get which is almost similar to above mentioned two institutes?

manan adhikari , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Nishant Vora

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Dear student

Infrastructure wise LNMIIT had a little edge over JIIT
Placement scenarios are similar in both LNMIIT and JIIT
Fee in both the institutes were same.
In LNMIIT almost all the faculties are IITians whereas in JIIT it was not so.
LNMIIT is not totally a private institute, it is run through a public-private partnership model. LNMIIT was set up in collaboration with the Government of Rajasthan.

So, I have given you all points. Now its you to take right decision


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