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Sir,i screwed my jee mains..not qualifying for advancedi spent 2 years in a well reputed coaching living in hostel accomodation.....till the end of 11th my rank used to be 900-1100 out of 3000 candidates but from the start of 12th......i used to be among top 300 of the institute...as a result alll my 11th standard topics are considerably weak...on the day of jee i dont knw happened to me......but i scored soo poor dat i am unable to get decent state govt. college...my 12th result is not yet announced........my question shall i consider taking a drop??pls do reply thank u

Ayaan Khan , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

you should first sit for counclling and see
if you do not get desired college then think for dropping out.
Dropping out is option only if you are well determind ready to do labour.
As thingsrepets one tends to looses focus. And if you take count on your
weaknessesyou can succeed
well than think wisely

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