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Sir,I scored 95% in class 12 CBSE 2014 and could not qualify JEE MAINS.I got 1 mark less than the cut off. In VITEEE I got 5700 rank and got 298 in BITSAT . But I wanted to study in IITtherefore I took a drop for one year.I gave almost 35-40 mock tests for JEE MAIN 2015 and on an average I was scoring 280. But I again could not qualify for JEE MAINS. I got 99. This disturbed me so much that I could not give my VITEEE properly and scored a rank of 23,000. The main reason for me not qualifying for competitive exams is fear or examphobia. The moment I enter the exam hall I get a hell lot of nervous.Now my only hope is BITSAT which is on 22 MAY. I am very disturbed right now.Sir, please guide me. I have completely solved A complete Success Package for online bitsat by arihant.

Rakhi Agrawal , 9 Years ago
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Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Don’t be nervous, be confidence ., you can crack BITSAT with good score .just do some more previous papers.also go through the syllabus.
You can do it.
all the best !

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