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Sir,I got 92 marks in jee adv 2016 but only9 marks in maths.Iscored 156 in mains and got 930 obc rank and alloted NIT delhi cse.I have following options- 2nd attempt while studying in nit,or focus on cse clsses

Varun , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

@ varun
Nit delhi is good , so, it will be depend upon you , if u have confidence that u can do better next time to get top 3 nits , and might be iits , then u can also take a drop for 1 year if u have not dropped till now .
otherwise , if u dnt have confidence then u have to focus on cse at nit delhi . nit delhi also have good package in cse branch , but in top nit u will have lot of oppurtunity .
but doing the both might loose both of the things , so, focus on only one , if u will study 11th and 12th syllabus in nit , then there might be a chance of 1st semestar back , so, they will not promote you for 2nd semestar .
that might cause problem to you ,
so , its better to focus on cse classes an nit delhi .

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