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Please give me the preference order for following branches in DTU: Production & Industrial Engineering(P&I),Engineering Physics(EP), Polymer Science & Chemical tech(PSCT) and Environmental Engineering(ENE)...

AKSHAY SHARMA , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Prajwal Kavad

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

dont see preference , see your intrest
plz approve

Ayushmaan Vardhan

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

There is no one who can better define than you that what interests you the most, so just make up your mind and make sure in which branch you would excel the most, actually all the branches mentioned by you are quite good and it is a matter of pride to be a part of DTU,....but still something is there that gnaws your thought process then surf out the top rated institutions, get to know their details by visiting their official weblinks and thus make your clear choice......you may consider these – College of Engg, Pune,.............Don Bosco Inst of Tech, Mumbai,............Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,.............BHU, Varanasi

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