Flag Discuss with Askiitians Tutors> is there a way of editing the message onc...
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is there a way of editing the message once send? i know such a question must not be asked here, but i have no other way. i received my entrance rank yesterday in my phone and today the rank seems changed in my phone. i believed that there was no way to change. but this seems odd. people around me tells it would be a mistake from my part of checking yesterday.bt i am damn sure because i have looked my rank twice or thrice yesterday.... no one believes me. atleast to consolate mysrlf i need to know whether there is any scope for this happening? please help me... i have no body else to ask on.

AMI HZ , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Gman Namg

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

sorry but nothing can be done now


Last Activity: 9 Years ago


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