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I study for long hours day and night but during in exam ,my performance is like an average student?what could possibly wrong with me?

xavier , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

@ xavier 
actually hard work is not the key to sucess , hardwork alongwith smartwork is required for the sucess . 
if u read whole day and night and end up forgetting everything in the exam day , they that study donot have any meaning. 
so, i think that might happens with you , u knows all the things but not able to express the things correctly in the exam paper . 
if thats the problem , then i could say after study do some ques and check how fairly u can represent that . 
and also keep revisiing at every wekends as these will help u to remember the concept for longrun . 
and the 2nd thing – donot try to even cram anything , this will make u confsed while writting answer in the paper . 
and the 3rd  thing – suppose u have studied 3 hrs tday , then after that just take a pen and paper and try to note down the summary or main point of what u have studied . otherwise everything will be went in vain and u will end up forgetting 50 percent thing after 2 days . 


Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Hi xavier
i think problem is with the study method you are using. I am sure you must have seen a lot of students who study less but score more. do you know why? the only reason behid this is when they study they study with full concentration.
so you also whenever go to study study with full concentration. this is a precious time of your life do not waste it on social media website.
moreover you must invlove in good lifestyle so that whatever you study you remember
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surely this blog is  very helpful that it will help you to enhacee your performance in future.

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